Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Assignment

Read the following selections from After the Fact:

Chapter Ten – USDA Government Inspected
Chapter Eleven – Sacco and Vanzetti
Chapter Fifteen – Breaking into Watergate

After reading the selections you will go to and write a 400-600 word response to the reading. You will also respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Your response should include your initial reaction to the reading, any thoughts that stand out, and any facts that you were unaware of. Try to avoid simply summarizing the reading, but present ideas that would invoke discussion among your classmates (i.e. do you agree with what the author states). The beginning of your post should INCLUDE WHAT YOU BELIEVE TO BE THE THESIS OF THE READING - STATED IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Directions for posting on the website will be found at

In summary, you are responsible for:

-Reading the three selections listed above
-Writing a 400-600 word response for each reading selection on (3 total responses) by August 16, 2010.
-Commenting on two of your classmates postings (2 total; not 2 for each selection)
-Quiz during the first week of school on the selections

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Comment on a Post

As you will notice, below each posting that I make there is a link that indicates how many comments have been made (i.e. "0 Comments," "1 Comment," etc). You will click on that link to enter your comment. In order to post a comment you must have an account with either Google, LiveJournal, AIM, TypePad or OpenID. My suggestion would be to open a Google account ( or use your AIM which most of you probably have. Below the "POST A COMMENT" box you will see where it says "Comment as:" this is where you will select your profile and sign in. You will write your post in the box, select your profile, and hit "Post Comment." It will then probably ask for your password for that account and then post your comments. Your post will be e-mailed to me to proof before it appears on the website, so do not worry if your post does not appear immediately.

When you post a response to a classmate's post, address whoever you are responding to. For example, if I had posted a comment, it would read, "kpbelch said..." In your response, post another comment, but begin with, "kpbelch, (your response)"

Friday, August 13, 2010

Commenting on Classmates' Posts

Just to clarify, you only have to comment on ONE PERSON'S POST. Obviously, you can comment on as many as you want, but I am only requiring you to read at least one post and comment on it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I know most of you are waiting until this weekend or next week to do your post. As you will learn in this course, the AP exam for US Government is not concerned with grammar, punctuation, etc. What it is concerned about is content. Part of the purpose of the "blogging" this summer is to get you accustomed to focusing on the facts, and not just the syntax. I am only grading for content. Just a thought as you are writing your responses.