Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Comment on a Post

As you will notice, below each posting that I make there is a link that indicates how many comments have been made (i.e. "0 Comments," "1 Comment," etc). You will click on that link to enter your comment. In order to post a comment you must have an account with either Google, LiveJournal, AIM, TypePad or OpenID. My suggestion would be to open a Google account ( or use your AIM which most of you probably have. Below the "POST A COMMENT" box you will see where it says "Comment as:" this is where you will select your profile and sign in. You will write your post in the box, select your profile, and hit "Post Comment." It will then probably ask for your password for that account and then post your comments. Your post will be e-mailed to me to proof before it appears on the website, so do not worry if your post does not appear immediately.

When you post a response to a classmate's post, address whoever you are responding to. For example, if I had posted a comment, it would read, "kpbelch said..." In your response, post another comment, but begin with, "kpbelch, (your response)"